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Good People Academy

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Welcome to Good People Academy!

This new full-time homeschool co-op (“microschool”) is launching this Fall at Champion Sport Karate!

This program is a radical re-envisioning of what “school” can be.  Getting an education is a privilege, and it should be pleasant and energizing.  It should fuel passions and inspire creativity.  Anything less is not education – it’s coping.  Student-led programs truly serve the needs of each student and family, making them superior alternatives to traditional schools.

There’s a saying in marketing that “when you speak to everyone, you’re speaking to no one.”  Meaning, when you try to say everything to everyone, your message is too generic and gets lost in the noise.

Apply this saying to education and it becomes clear that school teachers have an impossible task: teach everyone… so everyone’s experience is mediocre. One reason is because boys and girls learn differently and respond to different leadership styles. 

This pilot program has spots for 15 boys, grades 2-5, and will grow with them through 8th grade (minimum). The girls in our community also need someone to step up and launch their program. Text 402-450-7852 if interested.

Children thrive in microschools.

Let’s meet our kids where they are.  We don’t have to settle for the top-down, assembly-line, school status quo. Let’s get involved in their education to forge a new and better path. Join Good People Academy and plug into a community of local, like-minded families so you are always supported on this journey.

Let’s Homeschool, Together!

Click Here To Inquire

What is a Microschool?

Think of it as “outsourced homeschooling” and it looks like a modern-day one-room schoolhouse.

Mircoschools are a balance between homeschools and private schools. This innovative learning model enjoys the benefits of both. Homeschooling freedom and flexibility, paired with a close-knit community of peers like a private school.

Students also benefit from having a consistent trusted adult (outside of the home) to guide and nurture them year after year.  A “learning coach” or “mentor” knows each student on a personal level and can creatively meet their unique needs.

Microschools are the future of education.

At Good People Academy we “homeschool together” and it works with any homeschool curriculum you choose.

When you give your child control over his education, he becomes accountable. When you give your child space to explore his interests, he learns with joy.  Inspire confidence in your son and give him the gift of lifelong learning by investing in a student-led education.

Student-Led Education

What would your child do if he could pick anything? Some common responses are:

  • Play video games.
  • Play sports with friends.
  • Play pretend outside.

Kids are hardwired to learn through play. Video games are great for teaching resilience and problem solving. Sports boost physical and mental health, and imaginative play allows kids to explore their world.

Instead of “grade appropriate” science and reading, a student-led education can cover any topic. Rockets, robotics, racecars, and Rube Goldberg machines are just a few ideas… that start with “R.”  They choose.  Learning coaches provide resources & space to learn anything.

The world is changing rapidly, and our kids are going to inherit it (craziness in all).

Instead of telling them what to think/do, we must give them the freedom to make mistakes, learn the hard way, think critically, and manage their time.

Meet Lindsey D. Tomes Cluck

Founder, Servant Leader, and Learning Coach

I am on a mission to build an alternative school for our active, inquisitive young men. One that prioritizes physical activity, freedom, and personal responsibility. One that focuses on the practical skills needed as they grow into our next generation of leaders.

  • A program that asks, “what do you want to learn today?” And empowers them to find the answer.
  • A program that is a “conversation catalyst” where we can discuss challenging ideas and disagree in ways that are both healthy and productive.
  • A program that focuses on “life skills.” Skills that are uniquely human, that AI can’t automate.
  • A program that equips our children to spot and handle emotional manipulation tactics.
  • A program that is rooted in “growth mindset” where mistakes are encouraged because that’s where the best learning happens.
  • A program that demands respect. Respect for elders, respect for others, and respect for property.

Ready to reprioritize your child’s education?  Partner with me on this education mission and let’s make a difference!

A Typical Day at GPA

Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm

This program is being built from the ground up, so this schedule will be continually optimized.  Starting schedule:

8:00am – 9:00am

Greet friends, free play, chat and relax. A perfect way to ease into the day.

9:00am – 9:15am

Gather for pump-up song, pledge of allegiance and morning announcements.

9:15am – 11:15am

“School” Block.  Use any homeschool curriculum that works for your child and your family.  There are so many options to customize and enhance your child’s education experience.  Get them excited to learn, and let’s get the hardest work done first so we can have fun the rest of the day!

Here’s one easy and affordable curriculum option that covers all 5 core subjects and tracking requirements ~ Time4Learning @ $30/mo
Helpful homeschool resources ~ Homeschooling In Nebraska

Good People Academy is a homeschool co-op, so if you have questions we have a built-in support system.  It’s educational empowerment… together.

11:15am – 12:00pm

“Play & Explore” Block (Part 1).  Freedom to play, explore their passions, and develop their unique gifts.  These moments of undirected play are the building blocks for life-skills they will use every day.

More info here ~ https://healthypsych.com/let-them-play/

12:00pm – 12:30pm

“Lunch & Learn” Block. 

Priority #1: Create an atmosphere where students are encouraged to slow down and enjoy their meal.  Gone are the days of rushing lunch for more recess. Get both!

Priority #2: Make it interesting. We will discuss a wide variety of interesting and practical topics to pique their curiosity and develop their critical thinking.

We will get our news from “The Week: Junior” magazine: https://www.facebook.com/theweekjuniorus
And we will cover complex topics like Internet Safety, Inflation, TribalismAlternative Education, Prefrontal Cortex Development and the Ethical Challenges of Generative AI Technology, just to name a few.

Lunches will come from home.  Additional options will be explored as the program evolves. Monthly birthday pizza party and special food events TBD.

12:30pm – 1:30pm

“Play & Explore” Block (Part 2). More time for 100% student-led topic exploration with the freedom to build social skills, emotional skills, physical skills, and every other kind of skill imaginable.

1:30pm – 3:00pm

“Special Activity” Block. Optional community-building activities. Including (but not limited to): movies, science lessons, edible crafts, reading a popular book series together, or anything that’s inspiring, fun or cool.

Lots of inspiration coming from “Highlights” Magazine ~  https://parents.highlights.com/

3:00pm – 4:00pm

“Play & Pickup” Block 100% student-led play and relaxation to wrap up an excellent day.

Let’s Get Started!

As an added bonus, Good People Academy enrollment includes access to Jumpin’ Jax bounce houses and the fitness equipment at Champion Sport Karate.

School with Bounce Houses = Coolest School Ever!

Full-Time Pricing (M-F)

@ $525 / Month / Student ($25/day)

3-Days Per Week (M+W+F)

@ $390/ Month / Student ($30/day)

2-Days Per Week (T+Th)

@ $270/ Month / Student ($30/day)

Important Questions

Are There Contracts?

From Lindsey “I don’t believe in contracts because this program is about educational empowerment. I want you to choose this program each month because it is the best schooling option for your child.”

What To Bring?

  • Their natural energy and curiosity
  • Laptop or tablet with headphones for schoolwork
  • Any homeschool curriculum you choose
  • Any items from home needed for learning
  • Daily lunch & snack to fuel hungry Good People
  • Bounce socks (because BOUNCE HOUSES!!)

What About Billing & Breaks?

  • Invoices emailed monthly on the 15th.
  • Invoices due by the 30th to reserve your child’s spot.
  • Pay each invoice quickly and easily online.
  • GPA will be closed 1 week each quarter for break (coordinating with the Papillion-La Vista).
  • Invoices will be adjusted to reflect breaks.

What About School Accreditation?

From Lindsey: “Accreditation to me means ‘a school that checks boxes.‘  These check-boxes make schools hyper-focus on reading and math scores and tragically neglect the soft skills that are in high demand.

‘Accredited’ schools teach kids what to think. The students who can sit still and repeat that info on their test get labeled as ‘good students’ based on that narrow definition of success.  Perhaps you’ve seen the funny show “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?”  It’s great… except those ‘smart’ 5th graders will grow into those same ‘stupid’ adults.  Adults aren’t stupid.  They just traded that brain space for life skills outside of fact memorization and test taking.  It’s a funny show, but the fact remains that the current top-down, assembly-line education model doesn’t serve our kids… it serves the adults checking the boxes.

Let’s be brave and get involved in our kids’ schooling.  We can jump off the education assembly-line together.  Let’s forge a better path where we can focus on the skills that will actually help our children thrive as adults.  Let’s teach them how to be powerful and effective servant leaders.”

What is a Servant Leader?

The idea was first coined in a 1970 essay by Robert K. Greenleaf called “The Servant as a Leader.”  Over the last five decades this concept of servant leadership has proven highly effective, and it’s easy to see why.

Top Ten Characteristics of Servant Leaders:

  1. Active Listening.
  2. Empathy & Compassion.
  3. Emotional Healing.
  4. General Awareness & Self-Awareness.
  5. Effective at Persuading.
  6. Creativity & Innovation.
  7. Learning From The Past.
  8. Trustworthy & Reliable.
  9. Building Others Up.
  10. Working Together.

Let’s hyper-focus on these skills, and allow math and reading skills to develop naturally (they will).  Soft-skill prioritization is the polar opposite of the current school system.  Servant Leadership skills are what the rising generation needs to thrive in a turbulent world.

What skills should your child focus on most?  You are empowered to choose.

What Happens When We Get To High School/College Age?

The homeschool movement is growing rapidly, and there are many benefits to traditional high schools.  Our children will develop a solid foundation during their formative years, and then they can graduate into any program that suits their needs. The sky is the limit!

First, you’ll have to register with the school system or apply to the school you are interested in.  Then, they will ask for your child’s homeschool transcript to show the level of ‘check-box’ schooling they’ve completed.  Then, your child will likely need to take whatever standardized test that school uses to confirm grade placement.

Big Idea: If your child learns how to learn, he can go anywhere in the world and find a way to thrive.

It’s humbling when we, as parents, realize that we cannot succeed for our children, and we cannot even begin to predict what challenges they will face.  The best gift we can give our kids is a “toolbox” of universal skills and our unconditional love.  Then they will be equipped and secure as they tackle whatever comes their way.

Possible Scenarios:

  • If your son is motivated to take the SAT, he might find a prep course online, have friends quiz him while they are out for a run, and then apply what he learned to get a great score.
  • If your son wants to get into a veterinary college, he might reach out to local vets and volunteer a couple hours a week for some mentorship and hands-on learning, all while spending his weekends reading to pass the exam with flying colors.
  • If your son wants to skip the college debt and become an electrician, then his excellent interpersonal skills and passion for learning will make him outshine the competition during the interview process and make him the obvious choice.

There are many paths to success. Let’s teach our boys to be Good People who love learning. Then we get to sit back and cheer them on every step of the way!

Got questions not answered here?  Call or text Lindsey at 402-450-7852.  She will be delighted to answer them 🙂